We work in this world. Why are we working?
Can we live in this society without working at a paying job?
And what are we to be paid. A handful of eggs, a sheep, nothing, money?
What is the purpose of our endeavors, our turmoil and sweat?
Why am I typing?
Is it for money?
No I do not think so, my words are not the quality that goes into the
books a million.
And if they were?
Why should I be paid?
There is no answer but wanting to have more than I have.
I have nothing.
What more is there?
There is no logic for being paid for what we do?
We should be working for peace not money!
We barter for what we want.
Saddam wants a bomb, I want peace.
Could we both go to Wal-Mart and get what we want?
If we want to buy land then we must play the game.
We either take the land as some kings and pioneers do or we can barter
for the land.
The land is never given to us?
Open land
Gollum is learning the meaning of ....