It is very early in the morning, about four, maybe.
I thought all day yesterday about leadership. Perhaps I do not have a clue as what I am saying but here is what I think.
If leaders lead and all others follow, then peace on earth is rather simple.
Could a leader demand peace from his soldiers? And if he did would they have to comply?
If the U.S. demanded peace from its soldiers then they would comply?
Or if Palestine demanded peace from its soldiers would they comply with their leadership?
I think that they would comply. People want peace.
So who is going to stop the violence?
The leaders of the world.

There is a thing called politics where layering, positioning of behavior and minor magical deception seem normal.
Politics seems to fuzzy up the atmosphere where we cannot see what is before us.
What is here is the earth.
If everyone stopped moving and stood still?
Who can ask everyone to stand still?
Would I stand still for peace on earth?

Who would I blame if I could not quit eating?
Who would I blame if I could not quit smoking?

Are we winding down a yellow brick road?

It is I.

It is I who follows orders.

It is I.

It is I who leads.

The war machine is an industry that employs people who create objects of destruction.
They are fueled by the power to control their lives and the lives of those people that fall below their triangle of power.
Would they ask for peace?
Would their employees ask for peace?

There is an if here. There is a layer of doubt, a well if, a magical motion, a wave of the wand.
This is a position of where I work. Do I create to kill or do I create to live?

Would I stand still for peace on earth?

Who would I blame if I could not quit eating?
Who would I blame if I could not quit smoking?
Who would I blame if I could not stop creating objects of destruction?
I have a family......
Are we winding down a yellow brick road?

It is I.

It is I who follows orders.

It is I.

It is I who leads.


Gollum is learning the meaning of ....

Laurel's Menubonga,bonga,bongaTom's Menu



Words & Graphics by Tomas