Has our mother asked us to change our minds?
Our rug was pulled out from under us September 11, 2001.
We were so angry that we let the Attorney General of the United States
have a full run at the terrorists.
We provided him with an arsenal of weapons that wiped out our civil
freedoms for a time.
We have let him poke into our affairs just to catch the evil that destroyed
our families September 11, 2001.
Now the Attorney General of the United States wants more power.
The President of the United States wants more power.
Are the Supreme Court and Congress going to give them that power?
Where is the voice of the people of the United States?
I am afraid to ask that question?
We have isolated ourselves; we have placed ourselves in the middle
of an island.
We have yelled at all our friends.
We have rode our "devil may care" attitude into town like John Wayne
and told the world to go to hell.
Has our mother asked us to change our minds?
Our nation has gone to sleep.
Like sleeping beauty we have bitten the apple
and laid down like
Rip Van Winkle.
Gollum is learning the meaning of ....