A little niche so far away
Pretty far out and pretty strange.
Slowly fading, slowly disappearing, a human selection, disappearing.
So it seems I go with only words and family;
linking me to the wisdom of the past.
I have placed my life in a strange place, not cool or hip, not clean or neat.
Somewhere near the pile of disarray
I sit surrounded by the light of understanding.
Alone knowing.
Those far away are glad that I am here and those here wish that I were far away.
Laurel and I have known that for a very long time.
The times are a changing and they have,
but we have been placed in the pile of discord by society.
We should be like the forever-changing follower and forgive them but we don’t.
We won’t.
We have placed our being in this discarded pile and the world has replied.
We are discarded.
The strange thing is that we are happy to be alive on this planet and
we yell at the planet and say so.
But to live in a society that forever discards us seems strange.
Words and wisdom always tell the world to be kind. We are, we are alive.
I have no answer other than that the world has choices and we are not part of that choice.
We are not part of the caste of a pecking order.
Pretty far out and pretty strange.

Non-religious, not good looking, anti social, a little to left, a little to right.
That’s us!

A little niche so far away.
We are moving furniture and cleaning, getting read to paint another room.
The Holidays are keeping us busy elsewhere.

 Gollum is learning the meaning of ....




Words & Graphics by Tomas

Words & Graphics by Tomas