What do dictators do?
They dictate to us what they are
going to do.
I remember the United Nations saying
that we should negotiate before the United Nations before going into Iraq.
The United States is a democracy;
we as a nation normally vote the way we want to move.
I do not remember voting to go
to war?
It was more like coercion.
Our leaders poured a corrosive
liquid over our sensibilities and we melted.
The United Nations voted democratically
and decided not to invade Iraq.
What do dictators do?
They dictate to us what they are
going to do.
We invaded Iraq.
It’s not complicated.
Someone is pushing our emotional
buttons and we are fooled.
We have followed the dictator like
sheep to slaughter/war.
We have even allowed this government
to snoop deeper into our personal lives.
We have chained our park gates
Trust and faith have gone from
our vocabulary.
Our government is dictating to
us, where is our national voice/vote?
Are we going to let men with very
neat blue suits with
red and gold ties dictate the way
we live our lives?
Words & Graphics by Tomas