Big Brother is watching in the year 2003.
In a matter of minutes I can see what is going on in this world.
I can check the state of the world, state of the union and check our bird feeder out back.
It is frosty out and the air has a little chill to it, Laurel's windows on her car have a heavy frost on them.
My sleepy world is peaceful and I was going to say dull but dull does not describe the emotional air about me.
It is true that you will not find any flavor or vice, off color or deep depression lingering in this atmosphere.
You will find contentment and a solution for peace, but the world does not need peace it wants war.
The play stations two's did not satisfy the ego's of the nineties.
The color of blood is not the same as real blood.
Raping your television screen is not the same as raping real women in conquest.
My little peaceful world will end thanks to the greed of several nations.
But then again I can see what is going on in this world in a matter of minutes.
I can check the state of the world, state of the union and check our bird feeder out back.
Big Brother is watching in the year 2003.
The story said, "1984" but the reality is the year 2003.
The Republican Party is chipping away at our civil liberties.
It is also pushing our armies into other countries at will.
We have always stationed armies around the world but this somehow is different.
It seems that moving the army into Iraq is not a policy of the federal government but
the will of one party, The Republican Party.
Big Brother is watching in the year 2003.

 Gollum is learning the meaning of ....




Words & Graphics by Tomas