Fuzzy awakenings,
the trash man has come and gone I was not aware of his noises.
It has taken me a little longer to clear my mind from this heavy sleep. After realizing that my body could function I moved around the area looking at the garden. Cool weather and the fact that I displaced its location are setting me and the garden into a just getting started frame of mind. I had surrounded the plants with mulch for the coming fall and the first frost.
Reading the morning emails are sending my mind into areas where I do not belong.
I just want to function, be aware of my life and stay alive.
The fuzziness has left and it is time for some tea of perhaps a little coffee.
Laurel bought a small chest freezer for fifty dollars and I was half the day yesterday cleaning out an area in the garage for it to be. I am throwing out those must needed wires and angles, ropes and seeds, cobwebs and dust. I have found under that pile of ruble Laurel’s fathers vegetable display case where bushel of potatoes, peas and tomatoes and scales once laid in his small family corner store. It is a sound and sturdy piece of metal.
One project has led to three others.
I better stop by and see how Bobbysan is doing.
This is what is going on.

 Words & Graphics by Tomas