National Republicans
“National Republicans, they were united only by their opposition to the growing "kinglike" strength of the president. Thus they came to be called Whigs, implying that the Jacksonians were Tories, in favor of "King" Andrew.”
Well I think is time for the president to be more like
a citizen and less like a king.
Our president is without equality.
He walks in front of men and women; his only equal is
other foreign dignitaries.
He has placed the presidency above the people, untouchable.
Where can I find the common man that walks with the people?
I am the common man but fear dying as a leader.
Where is that great man that is beloved by the world
and can walk hand in hand with the populace?
When men run for a political office like the presidency
they shake hands with a million people and we vote for them to become our
president but when they take the oath they become kings or dictators?
Who will change this policy and who will be strong enough
to open the doors of the white house and demonstrate to the world that
we are free.
We cannot touch the president he surrounds his life with
a protective coating of wealth and gray suited secret service officers.
Where is that great man that is beloved by the world
and can walk hand in hand with the populace?
Words & Graphics by Tomas